• July 27, 2024

3 Tips for Working Through a Custody Battle After Divorce

According to Insider, about 50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce or separation. Going through a divorce is never easy. It’s even more complicated if there are children involved. Here are some tips to help you work through a custody battle after divorce.

1. Focus on Your Child’s Best Interest

As much as the custody battle is a battle, you must always keep your child’s best interest at heart. Unfortunately, lots of parents lose sight of this and end up making it all about themselves and who wins or loses. Avoid this at all costs. A heated battle will take a toll on all parties involved, including your child. You can end up affecting them by increasing the stress of separation. Children will probably be just as anxious as you are, and this can seriously affect their mood and performance in school, among other things. Don’t sacrifice your child’s future just because you want to win.

2. Address Issues That May Work Against You

If you are going through a custody battle, you must expect all aspects of your life to go under a microscope. As such, you must try to figure out the parts of your life that may work against you in court. Your divorce lawyer can help you take a deeper look into your personal circumstances. They can then offer some advice on how you can increase the chances of a favorable outcome. If you uncover any potential problems, they will guide you in how to fix things.

3. Be Careful How You Use Social Media

Nowadays, it’s quite easy to jump on social media and start ranting about your situation. You might think this public venting is a good idea, but it’s not. Evidence of you publicly bashing your ex-partner could potentially be used against you during a custody battle. This is known as parental alienation. Your social media will likely be under some serious scrutiny, so don’t say anything that may negatively impact the outcome of custody decisions. Social media posts can also be used to assess your character.

It’s important to ensure that you put the needs of your child first whenever you’re involved in a custody case. Think before you speak and get assistance from legal experts. If you’re looking for a divorce attorney you can trust, call Yoder & Jessup today. We have over 50 years of experience!

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